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Welcome to the second annual GLOBAL SDS AWARENESS WEEK! This page provides you with access to all the great initiatives by the SDS community - SDS patient advocacy groups and SDS superhero families from around the world.

The community picked a time to coincide with April 25th - which was Dr. Harry Shwachman's birthday. Drs. Shwachman and Diamond were instrumental in defining Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome with their landmark publication in the journal Pediatrics in 1964, entitled "The Syndrome of Pancreatic Insufficiency and Bone Marrow Dysfunction". 

It is our hope that more and more organizations and families will participate over time so that this campaign can grow and reach more families and medical providers.

Raising awareness can save lives. Any diagnosis made sooner lessens the burden and suffering of the diagnostic odyssey, and life-saving interventions can begin sooner. The SDS community can grow to support more targeted research, accelerating the pace toward therapies and cures.


If you have questions about any particular event or campaign, please reach out to the hosting organization or family directly. Donations to any of the SDS organizations are always welcome and appreciated. Visit their respective websites for details.

If you are an SDS patient or family looking for local support organizations, please check out the list on the SDS Alliance website, here. General information about SDS for patients and families can be found here

Global Events

New SDS Story Series is launched!

Huge thanks to all the SDS families from around the world for sharing their stories!


The stories are available on the SDS Alliance social media channels:

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To raise awareness about SDS as part of the Global SDS Awareness Week in 2021, the SDS Alliance is launching a series of SDS Stories on all it's website, Facebook, and Twitter. We are looking for stories from around the world, the good, the bad, and the ugly :). We want to raise awareness that SDS manifests itself and impacts families in a wide variety of ways, so that more patients can be diagnosed sooner and benefit from community support and better treatments. We also want to show the world that the SDS community is strong and worthy of investment into new therapies and cures. Join us by sharing YOUR story. 

Visit our Patient Stories page, contact the SDS Alliance on Facebook or email us at

The SDS Alliance SDS Awareness Video

Huge thanks to all the SDS families from around the world for helping with this video. Together, we will turn hope into action, and action into results. Let's create a brighter future for our kids! Please share!

National Events

Coming soon...

Local Events

Coming soon...

© 2022 Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance |  Terms of Use  |   Privacy Policy  |   Donor & Fundraising Policy

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance Inc.



Phone: +1-617-329-1838

Mail: PO Box 2441, Woburn, MA 01888

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The Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance (SDS Alliance) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building a world where Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a manageable condition and all patients and their families can thrive - through driving research and engaging in advocacy and education.


The SDS Alliance brings together patient families, researchers, clinicians, and other diverse stakeholders to better understand, diagnose, and treat this devastating cancer predisposition genetic disorder. The SDS Alliance was launched in 2020 by the parents of a child with SDS, who are biomedical researchers and entrepreneurs.


The SDS Alliance’s leadership and scientific & medical advisors are experienced clinicians and researchers focused on combining the patient-family perspective with solutions based on the best available scientific evidence.


Families from around the world are fundamental to accelerating the SDS Alliance’s mission to improve outcomes for all SDS patients, especially populations from diverse backgrounds who don’t have possible stem-cell donor matches. The SDS Alliance intentionally elevates the voices of individuals from diverse backgrounds, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and marginalized groups, as they bring critical insight and advance the SDS Alliance’s mission.

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